Saturday, December 31, 2005

More 2006 Aspirations

This is the window above my bed

Table Mountain - Cape Town's famous landmark. This pic is the rear view, taken from the town I live in about 50k south of Cape Town.

Another thing I want to do more of in 2006: Photography. Always been keen, but don't do enough.

Thing is, to find time for all these new projects (writing, meditation, photography) I've gotta ditch some other things. I mean how much spare time is there in our current lives? Yeah, Zilch!
So I'm going to cut reading. That should free up at least 7 hours a week. And that was the mystical message I received when I was on my psychotic mysticism in June. "WHY ARE YOU READING?" Should've listened then.

So 2006 is going to be the year of OUTPUT rather than INPUT. Shit, I've spent the last 5 years INputting.

Step ONE: Take my camera EVERYWHERE I go. So you're gonna be seeing a more visual blog the next few months.

Feeling a lot better moodwise. The lack of sleep on Thursday night sent yesterday into a tailspin, and, although Miss L's problems are not gone, things look much better today. I s'pose it's just the rapid cycling doing its mischief.


  1. So glad you're feeling better. I can't wait to see the photos you take. Have a very wonderful 2006!

  2. May 2k06 be the best year ever! Have fun!

  3. These bottle shots are amazing. I have a potion bottle too, filled with Atlantic sea water.


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