Sunday, April 09, 2006


I'll be gone on my camping trip until next Thursday, but can assure you that this blog will continue thereafter. Every day. Screw the daily(ish) plans. I'm gonna carry on writing this blog every day for at least the next few years. Not that this is meant to give you an orgasm or anything, just thought I'd clear things up after last weeks wobbly.

There I was, doubt creeping into every corner of my life. For a minute I considered giving BP Daily an extended break (which blogger hasn't considered this?) But now I'm FULLY back into the blogging thing. I've been tweaking my Newsgator RSS reader - what a pleasure, when you guys post it arrives instantly in my inbox.

And I've started exploring new territory with the blogs I'm reading. Blogs are just so amazing, Like reality TV but LIVE, and the game is REAL LIFE (and no Jeff Probst hacking his way out of a jungle and arriving in New York on a jetski). You can step into somebody else's shoes and share their journey with them, day by day. Show me a book that can do that. Wanna know what it's like to be a New York taxi driver: New York Hack (highly recommended). Wanna know what a young female party-animal does in South Africa from day 2 day? Peas on Toast. Wanna know what it's like to be hooker in London, CEO of a multinational, Acid addict in Hong Kong, Russian Astronaut in training - you'll find it. Wanna know what it's like to battle with a mental illness every day? You're in the right place - stay tuned.

Take emmigration. If I ever had to leave these African shores I'm thinking I'd head for Vancouver. So how do I get to see what it's really like to live in Vancouver? Coffee table book? Travel guide? Nah, just find a few blogs of people living in Vancouver. Couldn't be better than that. I'm telling you, this blog thing is just at it's beginning. Couple year's time it's gonna be huge. I'm reading a book by Dan Gillmor at the moment "We the Media" About...well...blogging. Hopefully I'll finish it in my tent next week and I'll post a review.

In the mean time dudes - stay well. When LIFE becomes a four-letter-word just remember to keep LIVING. And if you're having withdrawal symtoms from lack of BPDaily posts (yeah, right), you can check out my "Essential Posts" area in the right bar which I've updated.

And hope to shit that it doesn't rain next week cos I'm not sure my tent is waterproof. Don't think "Got-a-gun" would do well there.


  1. Have a great trip. We'll be back to support you, pink OR blue.

  2. Your blog has been great for me to understand how bipolar minds work. please read my freshly started blog. comments would be more than appreciated. and have a good trip...

  3. I hope you have a wonderful & safe camping trip. Yes, I've also considered ceasing to blog. I'm glad you're keeping your blog going FOREVER!! :D


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