the disordered life of a BiPolar creative with underlying delusions of grandeur. REALTIME.
- there are no answers. only choices -
"Bipolar disorder (previously known as manic depression) is a psychiatric diagnostic category describing a class of mood disorders in which the person experiences clinical depression and/or mania, hypomania, and/or mixed states. The disorder can cause great distress among those afflicted and those living with them. Left untreated, bipolar disorder can be a disabling condition, with a high risk of death through suicide."
"The difference between bipolar disorder and unipolar disorder (also called major depression) is that bipolar disorder involves both elevated and depressive mood states. The duration and intensity of mood states varies widely among people with BiPolar disorder. Fluctuating from one mood state to the next is called "cycling". Mood swings can cause impairment or improved functioning depending on their direction (up or down) and severity (mild to severe). There can be changes in one's energy level, sleep pattern, activity level, social rhythms and cognitive functioning. Some people with Bipolar disorder may have difficulty functioning during these times."
I can almost TASTE that. Fabulous.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comments on obsession. I have actual OCD complicating my BPD. The OCD is the worst, believe it or not, as I have Type 2 BPD with hypo-mania. Unfortunately, the meds to treat both conditions are often contraindicated since any SSRI can induce full-blown mania in BPD folks. It'd be interesting to do a survey to see how many other Bipolar people suffer from mutiple disorders.
Ain't the brain interesting?
Happy New Year, BPG. I'm glad you're in the world.
Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.
ReplyDeleteHappy new year dude!
ReplyDeleteYep, Happy for 2008 would be good. Let the year begin.
That is incredible. A burn into my eyes, very stunning.
ReplyDeleteSo much activity involved in it too - so much compared to the 'Down pic' - how tru it that?
I love the comparison pics. Sorry 'Down' is now, after 'Happy' but pink and pretty with be back, as you know.
Happy New Year, BP Guy!:)