Saturday, December 10, 2005

Response to z0tl

ZZTops - see yr reserve feul tank's bigger than I thought. Just shut-the-fuck-up with the Quotient envy though man. Didn't u know that SIZE DOESN't COUNT.

As to Erowid, its been bookmarked since last Millenium, and as to actual participation in the REAL world psychactives (aka psychosis, plug n play) well BP guy was doin it when your daddy was still firing blanks.

No - it wasn't me that left that universal Anonymous dislike - if I wanted to say anything I'd just post it straight in my blog (or better on TIP so I can get a Z defensive reaction within like 5 seconds later 24/7)

Post comments as much as you like man - its fascinating stuff seeing such deluded mania and my readership can only explode.

You're right about the delete post moderation though, think they'll have to disable the edit post function too - that way even stark raving maniacs will have to think 2wice before venting their Quotient envy on the weak and mild.

Notwithstanding, just keep yr distance frm the sun becuase the moon awaits around the corner just as sure as night follows day.

And Z, by the way, I still dig you man, I enjoy your rants, which just goes to prove that I'm the most deluded looney on the whole of TIP ;)


  1. Kudos BP! Flame the bastard!

  2. Z0tl - treat others the way that you wish to be treated - that is if ya care?

    And no, this is not BP, just someone who likes to see common decency.

    Have some respect and you will get the same back.

  3. HolY Fuck!
    For a minute there I thought I saw Mussolini standing on his inferiorty complex podium wagging his swollen finger about the lawz at BiPOlar Daily.

    So very sorry I fucked up your pose on DiaryLand Mikeee. Maybe you should just spill your rotten guts and show the wrld what a wife-losing, Quotient envying c*nt you really are. Maybe next time your Uber Intelligence can make a half-clever choice and choose a proper blog host in the first place instead of just building a cute lil holiday shack.

    BUMPER STICKER: My son Mikee lost his wife and became head mudslanger at some obscure website for 6 months.

    Vile? Vile? This is immaculate beauty man, gleefully awaiting THE FALL, when the reality catches up with certain pricks that getting overthrone as Head-Headcase (his only REAL world acheivement in the 21st milleniem) will soon equate to his godalmighty fragile ego as equivalent in heart-wrenching self-loathing to been dumped by an obviously very sane woman. Can't wait to see the whimpering, yelping pile of wax that's gonna come out the other end.

    And Mikeee LOL, LOL, LOL

    And LOML too.


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